
Culture is the fourth element of our business model. This strategic aspect of any company or organization, is often forgotten or not taken into consideration when analyzing the performance. The culture of a company is what for us would be our personality and values. In other words, the culture is what defines the company. Also, it sets the line for the behavior of the people and their actions. If there is a strong and unified culture throughout the entire organization, it will become critical factor in the success of the company. As part of our approach to business development, our value proposition for our customers to improve their culture consists of three services: culture transformation, leadership development and talent development.
The most valuable resource of any company is their people. Not only they are who make things happen, but also are the hardest asset to replace. As a result, we work closely with the leaders of the companies to establish a culture that puts people in the middle while having a strong orientation towards execution. With the culture transformation we aim to create a strong culture that is lived everyday throughout the entire organization.
Just like every team needs a leader, companies need leaders that inspire people and that take the company to the next level. However, good leadership is hard to achieve. Therefore, we believe that working on leadership development is critical for the success of any organization. At IRALTUS, we put extra effort in working close to the leaders in the company to turn them into true inspiring leaders that lead by example. With proper leadership, the rest of the company will feel integrated, motivated and convinced of the direction of the firm.
Like everything in life, to build a great culture you need talented people that share a common vision and values. A strong culture has to be present in every area of the company, and one of these areas is human resources. Today, more than ever, people want to work in a company that cares about their personal and professional development; as a result, management has to pay extra attention in the hiring process to make sure they hire people that fit the culture of the company. Also, they have to take care of their talent by creating programs and initiatives for talent development. As part of our service, we offer plenty of tools and methodologies to help companies with the development of their employees.
Services for the enhancement of culture
We support the leadership team in defining a culture that, together with the organizational scheme, supports the achievement of the strategy. We develop the deployment scheme of cultural transformation so that it is adopted at all levels of the organization through an innovative communication strategy and personal discoveries in order to generate an openness to change.
We design and execute, together with the key personnel in the company, mechanisms to strengthen and consolidate their position as leaders, guides, examples, and mentors. We work with the entire leadership team, thus guaranteeing an aligned, motivated, proud, and integrated team, focused on achieving the organization’s goals.
We elaborate a talent development strategy aligned with the company's objectives, to guarantee that each worker is in the position where they add the greatest value. Starting from a comprehensive evaluation, the strategy includes different alternatives to promote people's growth.